Suicide Prevention Guide

Suicide Prevention 9 WHAT IS SUICIDE? - Suicide is when someone tries to end his or her life on purpose. People think about suicide in an attempt to deal with some problem or stress. Most people who attempt or complete suicide don’t necessarily want to die; rather, they want to escape their overwhelming emotional pain. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. The good news is that there are always other options. If you are thinking about suicide, and things have reached a crisis point where you don't think you can keep yourself safe: • Call a crisis line • If you have a doctor, then make an appointment to see him/her. • Call your local mental health agency in order to see a counselor/therapist • Reach out to a family member or friend. Call them and let them know that you have been feeling overwhelmed, and that you could use their support, whether it is just listening or spending some time together. • Go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Remember: Although your situation may have tricked you into feeling that you are alone, you are NOT alone. Help is a phone call away... If you know someone who is feeling suicidal, there are many ways to support and get them help: • Help your friend make that telephone call to a crisis line • Help your friend book an appointment with their doctor, or counselor/therapist • Go with your friend to the nearest hospital emergency department • Let other trusted friends and family know so that they can be supportive. • If you discover someone who has just harmed themselves, then call 911, or your local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) number.